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Tue, 08/07/2018 - 16:53
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Free City of Eskadia
I recently picked up the print and digital versions of the Free City of Eskadia. I am fairly new to C&C but have plenty of RPG experience. Anyhow, questions keep cropping up as I read...
Any thoughts about what a good starting level is for The Jack of Lies adventure? I am guessing 4-6.
Multi-classing. I thought that this was an optional rule, but the Free City is rife with both true multi-class and class-and-a-half characters. Here is an example:
Gang Fighters (30)(They are 1st Level Fighter/1st Level Rogues, HD 1d10+1d6, Hp 12. AC 15.
By the rules that I have seen, a 1/1 Fighter/Rogue would be HD1d8+con. Why is this adventure basically doing things in it's own special way?
Other questions may follow :)
I think 4 to 6 would be good especially with a level 5 or 6 spellcaster. Good players can make it through it easily enough. I'll look closer at the Gang Fighters but I agree with out.
I think 4 to 6 would be good especially with a level 5 or 6 spellcaster. Good players can make it through it easily enough. I'll look closer at the Gang Fighters but I agree with out.
When I look at a C&C module, I use it as a guideline towards what is intended vs set in stone.
I have a well defined internal consistency to how my whole environment is composed so if the printed material can be rationalized against that, I use it. If not, I modify to comply with my methodology but try to retain the essence of what seems to have been intended.
The only books I can pretty well reference verbatim are the Yggsburgh/East Mark/Castle Zagyg books. There's nothing really wrong with that since we all have our nuanced approaches to the game.
Some of Eskadia reads like a 3.0 or 3.5 book IMO. It's still pretty worthy as a backdrop for a well fleshed out city setting. Second only to Gary's Yggsburgh.
With respect to the NPCs you've listed here, personally I'd just decide what a 1st level Fighter/Rogue looks like in your campaign and alter as needed. Perhaps make some just fighters, some just rogues and the remaining portion fighter/rogue.