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Sun, 03/08/2020 - 19:01
Last seen: 4 years 6 months ago
Joined: 03/08/2020 - 16:27
FG CON 16 + NETCON 2020
I'm new here, a ad&d 2e and 3e DM when I was a teenager, getting in RPGs again 20 years after. I found online VTT Fantasy Grounds and loving it.
In 8-12 April there's the NETCON 2020, the most important online RPG convention in Spanish language.
There is also in 24-26 April the FG-CON 16, the Fantasy Grounds CON that is celebrate twice a year.
I would run C&C games in both of them using Fantasy Grounds, is there a form or some guidelines to make that into the Knights of the crusade frame?
(Sorry for my English)